First Aid Stroke Patients
Have you ever wondered if it arrived - arrived around you there is a stroke patient and then at that moment relapse? Of course, the first thing and that is quite important is to position yourself in quiet conditions to be able to think clearly and do not panic. Then the first aid that can be done is the following steps:

First Aid Stroke Patients
Do not move, if you move a patient from point of origin / original place that would make the possible outbreak of small blood vessels in the brain will happen more quickly and surely this would be at risk. Enough help patients take a position to sit down so as not to fall again.
Pull - pull and plug the ear. If the patient's mouth look less normal, you may have to try to pull - pulling the patient's ears to look somewhat reddish. Then do 2 times a puncture on the lower end of the ear with a small needle is sterilized so that blood dripping 2 times away from each earlobe. In a few minutes the mouth of the patient will return to normal.
Puncture the end - the end of the finger with a needle, it is recommended to use a syringe. But if not then you can use another needle that is not too large (ex: sewing needles, pins) and must be in sterile conditions by burning. The point that should be pierced is about 1 mm from the tip of the nail. Try to keep at least a little blood can drip / 1 drop sufficiently. If not, press the finger the finger. Within a period of about 10 minutes, the patient will regain consciousness.
Search for medical attention, when the condition of the patient began to recover, immediately look for medical help. Bring the patient to the nearest doctor or the nearest hospital to get further action. Remember, before the six hours since backdated attack, stroke patients should have received medical attention.
So some information and tips about First Aid Stroke Patients , I hope you can give help to people around you and help save one human life. I hope this article is helpful for all of us.